Held meeting with the ATTF representatives


On the 16th of July 2019, yesterday, at the premises of the Macedonian Banking Association a meeting was held with the ATTF representatives. The ATTF representatives were Ben Lyon, Director of House of Training, and Claire Mozet, Program Coordinator, accompanied by a representative from the Ministry of Finance and the meeting was led by the Executive Secretary of the Macedonian Banking Association, Milena Percinkova.

Lecture delivered by Deloitte’s expert


The Macedonian Banking Association in cooperation with Deloitte Skopje organized an educational event for its members where its expert knowledge was shared by Dimitrios Goranitis, a partner in Deloitte Romania.

Maja Stevkova Shterieva PHD President of the Macedonian Banking Association


Maja Stevkova Shterieva Ph.D. is the new president of the Macedonian Banking Association. The current Chief Finance Officer and member of the Board of Directors of Komercijalna Banka AD Skopje comes to the place of Kosta Mitrovski, who, according to the Statute of the Macedonian Banking Association, terminated his mandate prematurely due to the termination of his function as a member of a bank’s board of directors. This is the only decision at the 11th meeting of the Assembly of the MBA.

Word of the passengers for Brussels


Marko Ingilizov: I’m very excited right now. We have been preparing for a long time and I honestly didn’t expect that we would win, maybe that we would be among the top ten. And for us, this is a big surprise. We encourage all young people to work hard and participate in this quiz.

Marko Ingjilizov and Viktoria Panova win the national competition – they will represent the country at the final of the European Money Quiz


Marko Ingjilizov and Viktoria Panova will represent our country at the final of the European Money Quiz, which will be held on 7 May this year in Brussels, Belgium. They are students of Koco Racin high school from Veles and achieved the best results at the national finals held today at the Faculty of Economics at the Ss Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, in the competition against peers from all over the country.

A working meeting for the preparation of the European Money Quiz was held


The National Bank hosted a working meeting with the teachers – coordinators from primary and secondary schools in the country which will participate in the European Money Quiz. At today’s event, held in our country for the first time and organized by the Macedonian Banking Association, the Ministry of Education and Science, the National Bank and the Securities and Exchange Commission, individual phases and training for preparation of the competition aimed at financial education of youth aged 13 – 15 years, were presented.

Memorandums signed with the Macedonian Stock Exchange and the Central Depository


Today, January 31, 2019, the Macedonian Banking Association has signed a Memorandum of Cooperation with the Macedonian Stock Exchange AD Skopje and the Central Securities Depository AD Skopje establishing the fields for cooperation that are of mutual interest in the area of ​​financial operation and operations with securities. The purpose of the cooperation is to improve the situation on the financial market and the securities market in the Republic of Macedonia.

MBA appeals all members to be included in “Buy house, buy apartment”


The President of the Macedonian Banking Association, Kosta Mitrovski, appealed to the member banks of the association that have not been included in the program “Buy a House Buy a apartment” so far, to take a part in it. Stressing that this will provide better conditions for the citizens, Mitrovski welcomed the changes to the conditions for obtaining subsidized housing loans, amendments prepared by the Ministry of Finance, and presented by the Minister Dragan Tevdovski. So far, half of the members of the MBA, in whose premises the presentation took place, are included in this project.

Decade anniversary of the Macedonian Credit Bureu


The Macedonian credit bureau with a ceremony celebrated its decade of existence. In the presence of numerous guests, the Macedonian credit bureau welcomed its 10th birthday (29.11.2018) as a respectable institution that became a trusted partner of the banks, financial sector, citizens and companies in the country.

Sixth meeting of the assembly of Macedonian Banking Aassociation


The actuality of the announced legal changes in the tax system was a topic at the sixth meeting of the MACEDONIAN BANKING ASSOCIATION, held on 08.11.2018 in Skopje. The attitude of the associate bankers is that the proposed changes concerning the taxation of interest income on citizens’ deposits should be postponed until the country’s admission to the European Union. This would contribute to further growth of savings, providing fresh capital for the economy and maintaining the stability of the banking sector.

The Macedonian Banking Association awarded the best officers for 2018


In its premiere year of existence, the Macedonian Banking Association, on the occasion of the World Savings Day October 31, awarded the best officers for 2018. At a convenient ceremony, 38 officers from 15 banks and 2 savings houses and two financial institutions, received recognition for their work, a reward even more valuable, because it was adopted by the assessments of their immediate associates.

Third meeting of the Assembly of the MBA


At its third meeting, held on 22nd of August 2018, the MACEDONIAN BANK ASSOCIATION adopted rules for selection and obligations of reference banks that set up interest rate quotations for calculation of SKIBOR and calculation process for SKIBOR. The rules will begin to apply from 01.10.2018.

FULM Macedonia – the best in the world!


Singapore, Sun Tech City.

The prestigious award for 2018 – World Council Growth Award (award for highest growth by the World Council of Credit Unions) this year, in a choice of 109 countries worldwide, was presented to FULM Savings House from Macedonia. The award was granted on July 16, 2018 at the World Credit Union Conference, held from 15 to 18 July, 2018, at the Suntec Convention Center in Singapore (http://www.wcuc.org/)

Second session of the Assembly of the Macedonian Banking Association



The Assembly of the Macedonian Banking Association at its second session, held on 5.7.2018 (Thursday), starting at 11:00 am, in the new premises, on Nikola Kljusev Street, number 6, in Skopje, elected chairpersons of the commissions and supported the project for Financial Education for the youth.

MBA at the seminar of the Chamber of Executors of the Republic of Macedonia


Gorazd Popovski, Deputy Chairman of the Legal Commission of the Macedonian Banking Association and Manager of the Legal Division at Stopanska Banka AD Skopje, at a seminar organized by the Chamber of Enforcement Agents of the Republic of Macedonia on May 19, 2018 held a presentation on the topic “Review of the proposals and remarks of the banking sector towards the draft amendments to the Law on Enforcement”.

First session of the Assembly of the Macedonian Banking Association



At the first session of the MBA, held on 3.5.2018 (Thursday), starting at 11:00 am, at the premises of the Business Center of HALK BANK AD – Skopje, the basic features of the MBA were determined and the most topical issues related to banking regulation in the country were discussed.

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