The Macedonian Banking Association awarded the best officers for 2018


In its premiere year of existence, the Macedonian Banking Association, on the occasion of the World Savings Day October 31, awarded the best officers for 2018. At a convenient ceremony, 38 officers from 15 banks and 2 savings houses and two financial institutions, received recognition for their work, a reward even more valuable, because it was adopted by the assessments of their immediate associates.

Third meeting of the Assembly of the MBA


At its third meeting, held on 22nd of August 2018, the MACEDONIAN BANK ASSOCIATION adopted rules for selection and obligations of reference banks that set up interest rate quotations for calculation of SKIBOR and calculation process for SKIBOR. The rules will begin to apply from 01.10.2018.

FULM Macedonia – the best in the world!


Singapore, Sun Tech City.

The prestigious award for 2018 – World Council Growth Award (award for highest growth by the World Council of Credit Unions) this year, in a choice of 109 countries worldwide, was presented to FULM Savings House from Macedonia. The award was granted on July 16, 2018 at the World Credit Union Conference, held from 15 to 18 July, 2018, at the Suntec Convention Center in Singapore (

Second session of the Assembly of the Macedonian Banking Association



The Assembly of the Macedonian Banking Association at its second session, held on 5.7.2018 (Thursday), starting at 11:00 am, in the new premises, on Nikola Kljusev Street, number 6, in Skopje, elected chairpersons of the commissions and supported the project for Financial Education for the youth.

MBA at the seminar of the Chamber of Executors of the Republic of Macedonia


Gorazd Popovski, Deputy Chairman of the Legal Commission of the Macedonian Banking Association and Manager of the Legal Division at Stopanska Banka AD Skopje, at a seminar organized by the Chamber of Enforcement Agents of the Republic of Macedonia on May 19, 2018 held a presentation on the topic “Review of the proposals and remarks of the banking sector towards the draft amendments to the Law on Enforcement”.

First session of the Assembly of the Macedonian Banking Association



At the first session of the MBA, held on 3.5.2018 (Thursday), starting at 11:00 am, at the premises of the Business Center of HALK BANK AD – Skopje, the basic features of the MBA were determined and the most topical issues related to banking regulation in the country were discussed.

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