MACEDONIAN BANKING ASSOCIATION was registered in the Central Register on 30.4.2018...
MACEDONIAN BANKING ASSOCIATION was registered in the Central Register on 30.4.2018...
MACEDONIAN BANKING ASSOCIATION was registered in the Central Register on 30.4.2018 and its founders are all banks and savings houses, working in accordance with the Regulations of the Banking Law and the individual acts adopted by the Governor of the National Bank.
Members of the MACEDONIAN BANKING ASSOCIATION are legal entities – banks and savings houses established in the country operating in accordance with the Regulations of the Bank Law and the individual acts adopted by the Governor of the NBRM.
Maja Stevkova Shterieva
President of the Macedonian Banking Association
Bojan Stojanoski
Deputy President of the Macedonian Banking Association
Milena Perchinkova
Executive Secretary of the Macedonian Banking Association
The MACEDONIAN BANKING ASSOCIATION Skopje has established the following commissions as permanent operational bodies: