About us

MACEDONIAN BANKING ASSOCIATION was registered in the Central Register on 30.4.2018 and its founders are all banks and savings houses, working in accordance with the Regulations of the Banking Law and the individual acts adopted by the Governor of the National Bank.



Members of the MACEDONIAN BANKING ASSOCIATION are legal entities – banks and savings houses established in the country operating in accordance with the Regulations of the Bank Law and the individual acts adopted by the Governor of the NBRM.



Maja Stevkova Shterieva
President of the Macedonian Banking Association

Bojan Stojanoski
Deputy President of the Macedonian Banking Association

Milena Perchinkova
Executive Secretary of the Macedonian Banking Association



The MACEDONIAN BANKING ASSOCIATION Skopje has established the following commissions as permanent operational bodies:



Maja Stevkova Shterieva PHD President of the Macedonian Banking Association

Maja Stevkova Shterieva Ph.D. is the new president of the Macedonian Banking Association. The current Chief Finance Officer and member ...

Macedonian teenagers vice champions of the European Money Quiz

In the finale competition of twenty-eight European countries, the representatives of the Republic of North Macedonia, Victoria Panova and Marko ...

Certificates of appreciation for the European money quiz

The President of the Macedonian Banking Association, Kosta Mitrovski, yesterday at the premises of the Association, presented Certificates of appreciation ...

Word of the passengers for Brussels

Marko Ingilizov: I'm very excited right now. We have been preparing for a long time and I honestly didn't expect ...

Marko Ingjilizov and Viktoria Panova win the national competition – they will represent the country at the final of the European Money Quiz

Marko Ingjilizov and Viktoria Panova will represent our country at the final of the European Money Quiz, which will be ...

Ninth session of the Assembly of the Macedonian Banking Association

At its ninth session, held on March 13, 2019, the Assembly of the Macedonian Banking Association, under the chairmanship of ...