The great final of the European money quiz was held

The grand finale of the European Money Quiz took place today. The first place was won by the representatives of the Republic of Hungary, the second place was won by the representatives of the Republic of Ireland, while the third place was won by the team of the Slovak Republic.

The European final was held virtually with a live broadcast on the YouTube channel of the European Banking Federation, through the platform Kahoot (Kahoot!) In English.

Our national winners Blagoja Trajceski and Mihail Atanasovski from the primary school “St. Kliment Ohridski ”from Bitola who in a competition of 25 teams from 174 departments managed to win the first place in the national competition “European Money Quiz” which was held on March 24, 2021.

The national competition within the European Money Quiz is one of the most massive events of competitive-educational character intended for pupils, organized in the country in the past few years. The Macedonian Banking Association, in cooperation with the National Bank and the Securities and Exchange Commission and with the support of the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Education and Science, for the third time is organizing this competition and is part of this important project of the European Banking Federation.


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