Kiril and Kristijan from the school “Mite Bogoevski”-Resen are the national winners of the European money quiz 2023
Today, on the last day of THE Global Money Week, the finals of the European Money Quiz 2023 national competition took place.
In the first round, the best 3 teams in the country were selected from the total of 391 registered teams from 76 schools, mentored by 101 professors. 379 teams competed in the Macedonian language, and 16 competed in the Albanian language.

The winning team that will represent our country at the European finals on May 16th in Brussels, Belgium is Kiril Kitevski and Kristijan Lazaroski from OOU “Mite Bogoevski” – Resen with their mentor Sonja Strezovska.

The second place was won by Blagoja Trajceski and Teodora Trposka from SOEU “Jane Sandanski” – Bitola with mentor Biljana Kochovska, while the third place was won by Nikola Pavlovski and Daria Jakimovska from OU “Goce Delchev” – Ilinden, with mentor Danche Nacevska. For the fifth time, our country participates in this project of the European Banking Federation, intended for financial literacy of students from 13 to 15 of age.