Marking THE GLOBAL/MONEY WEEK 2023: Woman executive green talks
On 22.3.2023 the first event оf women executives in the banking sector was held to discuss the biggest challenge for the new generation of female leaders – the green economy.
MBA’s President Maja Stevkova-Shterieva, Ph.D, was first to greet the attendees. She addressed the Principles of Responsible Banking, and in particular the Women’s Empowerment Principles, through which the objectives of the banking sector align with the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the 2015 Paris Agreement on Climate Change.
The main part of the event was the “Green Talks” panel discussion, with panelists Emilija Spirovska, member of the Board of Directors of Procredit Bank AD Skopje, Eleonora Zgonjanin Petrovic, General Manager of FULM Savings House and Nina Nedanoska, Deputy Chairperson of the Board of Directors of Sparkasse Bank AD Skopje.
They shared their personal views on the green economy, how they implement the concept of a green economy, what they do for their clients and the community as a whole, and gave their opinion on what are the most urgent sustainability issues facing the banking industry and society today.
With this event the Macedonian Banking Association marked the Global/European Money Week, which is celebrated this year under the motto: “Plan your money, plant your future”.