The first president of the Macedonian Banking Association was Kosta Mitrovski. At the Constituent Assembly of the Macedonian Banking Association held on the 20th of April 2018, the Assembly elected and appointed Kosta Mitrovski as President of the Macedonian Banking Association. Kosta Mitrovski held this function until June 12th 2019, when his mandate ends prematurely due to the termination of his function as a member of the Board of Directors of Uni Bank AD Skopje. The Assembly elected and appointed Maja Stevkova-Sterieva Ph.D. who is Chief Financial Officer and member of the Board of Directors of Komercijalna Banka AD Skopje as President of the Macedonian Banking Association.
Nadica Ceneva from NLB Banka AD Skopje was elected Chairperson of the Legal Commission from the establishment of the Macedonian Banking Association as an independent legal entity until November 8th 2018. At the session of the Assembly held on November 8th 2018, Violeta Janeva from NLB Banka AD Skopje was elected Chairperson of the Legal Commission.
Maja Andreevska-Blazevska from Stopanska Banka AD Skopje was elected Chairperson of the Commission for Prevention of Money Laundering and Compliance with Regulations from the Establishment of the Macedonian Banking Association until 2019.
On June 19th 2020, the Assembly of the Macedonian Banking Association appointed Gligor Pandilovski from Stopanska Banka AD Skopje as Chairperson of the Commission for Prevention of Money Laundering and Compliance with Regulations.
Irena Kuzmanoska from Ohridska Banka AD Skopje was elected Chairperson of the Accounting, Taxes and IFRS Commission since the establishment of the Macedonian Banking Association as an independent legal entity. Her mandate ends due to termination of employment in Ohridska banka AD Skopje and in her place on June 19th 2020 the Assembly appoints Donka Markovska from NLB banka AD Skopje.
Miroslava Smokovska from Centralna Cooperative Banka AD Skopje was elected Deputy Chairperson of the Accounting, Taxes and IFRS Commission from the establishment of the Macedonian Banking Association as an independent legal entity until February 12th 2020.
On June 19th 2020, the Assembly of the Macedonian Banking Association elected Viki Tvrdkovic from Stopanska Banka AD Skopje as Deputy Chairperson of this Commission.
On August 12th 2020, the Governor of the National Bank of the Republic of North Macedonia adopted a Decision to revoke the license for establishment and operation of Eurostandard Bank AD Skopje due to fulfillment of the conditions for bankruptcy. As of August 12th 2020, members of the Macedonian Banking Association are all 14 banks, 2 savings houses, Clearing House – Clearing Interbank Systems AD Skopje and Macedonian Credit Bureau AD Skopje.
On 16th of July 2021 by registering the status change in the Central Registry officially was completed the process of accession of Ohridska banka AD Skopje to Sparkasse Bank Makedonija AD Skopje. Integrated Sparkasse Bank Macedonia AD Skopje belongs to the group of big banks and holds 4th position on the banking market in the country.
Biljana Momirovska of Sparkasse Banka AD Skopje was appointed Chairperson of the Risk Commission since the formation of the MBA. During the same period, Tatjana Leskaroska-Minoska of Komercijalna Banka AD Skopje was elected Deputy Chairperson of the Risk Commission.
On 27.12.2022, the Assembly extended the mandate of Chairperson Biljana Momirovska and appointed Vladimir Davchev of Halk Banka AD Skopje as Deputy Chairperson of the Risk Commission.
Emil Jakimov of Halk Banka AD Skopje was elected first Chairperson of the Liquidity Commission, and Ljubica Janchevska Dimitrovska of NLB Banka AD Skopje was appointed Deputy Chairperson of the Commission.
At the session held on 27 December 2022, the Assembly appointed Antigona Bukleska-Mladenovikj of Komercijalna Banka AD Skopje as Chairperson of the Commission, with Emil Jakimov being the new Deputy Chairperson of the Liquidity Commission.
Emil Jakimov from Halk bank AD Skopje held the position of Deputy Chairperson until February 13, 2025.
Vesela Churilova of Komercijalna Banka AD Skopje was the Commission for domestic and international payment operation’s Chairperson from the outset, and Blagica Zdravkovska of UNIBanka AD Skopje was appointed Deputy Chairperson. After the session held on 27.12.2022, the new Chairperson of the Commission is Blagica Zdravkovska, while Goran Kupenkov of Komercijalna Banka AD Skopje is appointed Deputy Chairperson.
The Chairperson of the Commission for documentary operations since the formation of the Macedonian Banking Association was Toni Trajkovski of HALK Banka AD Skopje.
On 27.12.2022, the Assembly of the Macedonian Banking Association appoints Andrej Eftimov of NLB Banka AD Skopje as Chairperson of the Commission.
The Chairperson of the Information Security Commission since the founding of the MBA is Zivko Atanasov of Stopanska Banka AD Bitola, while Kristina Trpezanovska of ProCredit Banka AD Skopje is Deputy Chairperson.
On 27.12.2022, the Assembly extended their mandate for additional four years.
On July 5, 2024, the Assembly of the Macedonian Banking Association appointed Ivica Gjorgjevski from Stopanska banka AD Skopje as the Chairperson of the Commission.
Zoran Grncharovski from NLB Bank AD Skopje held the position of Deputy Chairperson of the Commission for Financial Restructuring of Corporate Debt from the establishment of the Commission on 22.7.2020 until 01.5.2024.
Bojan Bogevski from Stopanska banka AD Skopje was appointed Chairperson of Commission for personal data protection from its establishment until July 2024, when he moved to a new position. On 13.02.2025, the Assembly of the Macedonian Banking Association appointed Igor Kuzevski from NLB bank AD Skopje as the new Chairperson of the Commission.
Biljana Sanev from Sparkasse bank AD Skopje held the position of Deputy Chairperson of the Human Resources Commission until October 2024.
Mr. Toni Stojanovski was appointed as vice-president of the Macedonian Banking Association on April 20, 2018, within the founding Assembly of the Association as an independent body for advancing the common interests of the banks and improving their operations. He held the position of vice-president of the Macedonian Banking Association until June 2024, in accordance with the MBA Statute.
As a master of economic sciences in the field of monetary economics and a banker with many years of experience in important positions in the National Bank and commercial banking, Mr. Stojanovski has made a significant contribution to the development of banking in the country both through his professional involvement as a member of the Management Board of Stopanska banka AD – Skopje and through his participation in the work of the Banking Association at the Chamber of Commerce of Macedonia which existed before the formation of the Macedonian Banking Association, for which Mr. Stojanovski had a significant role. He was a member of the Academic Council and the Management Board of the Academy of Banking and Information Technology (since June 2014), in the Supervisory Board of the Chamber of Commerce of R.N. Macedonia (president from 2014 to 2018), in the Board of Directors of the Macedonian Stock Exchange AD – Skopje (president, second term from 2024) as well as in the Supervisory Board of Stopanska Leasing DOOEL Skopje (president from September 2022).
Mr. Stojanovski, in addition to his commitment to the founding of the Macedonian Banking Association, actively participates in its continuous affirmation, not only locally but also more broadly. His constructive discussions at the meetings of the associate members of the European Banking Federation have significantly contributed to raising the reputation of the Association.